Friday, December 16, 2016

Wall of Quotations

When I was in high school, I liked to post quotations on my walls. There were funny mottos that I borrowed from the pin-buttons at the science-fiction bookstore, inspirational lines from my favorite poems, and memorable words from books I’d read a million times.

But I didn’t just scribble the words on a card and stick it on the wall. No, I wrote them out in my best calligraphy so they’d be a pleasure to look at.

Like these:

Several quotations written out in calligraphy

For years I’ve been meaning to do this again. For instance, I wanted to write out “The Raven” by Edgar Allen Poe—maybe blackletter would look appropriate?—and stick it on the pantry door. Of course, it would probably take up the entire available space. I never even got started on the first verse.

They say “the perfect is the enemy of the good.” Sometimes it’s better to scribble a few quotations on index cards and stick them up with painters’ tape than it is to wait until you finally pull out the italic nibs and ink bottle.

The other advantage of the casual approach is that the whole family can get into it.  Set out the index cards, some Sharpies, and off they go.

Here are some photos of the results. I’ve made the photos larger than usual in the hope that you can make out some of the words.

top left

 top right

lower left

lower right

You may have noticed that there aren’t any attributions on these cards. That’s deliberate. It’s a great feeling to see the spark of recognition in someone else’s eyes and hear, “Oh, yeah! I love when he says that!”  It’s also fun to answer the question, “Now, where does that come from?”

Eventually these cards will have to come down to make way for some other display. I’ve been told that they must remain up until the new year—but apparently it’s okay if we switch to song lyrics some time in January…

Till next post.

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