Sunday, August 11, 2019

Decorating Boxes For Flashcards -- Zentangle and ZIA on tuckboxes

Two books on language learning that I've read in the past several years (or has it been longer than that?) recommend using spaced repetition with flashcards. "Spaced repetition" means that so long as you are getting a word right, you increase the length of time before you review it again, while if you get it wrong, you shorten the interval. The Leitner system is a spaced repetition system. It is a list of days and levels of words to review on that day. When you review a word, if you get it right the word moves up a level; if you get it wrong, it moves down.

There are lots of on-line flashcard programs, but I like actual cards. Actual cards take up space, though, and need to be contained so cards at different levels don't get mixed up. So I've been making tuckboxes for my flashcards out of cardstock and decorating them.
Tuck boxes for flashcards made from cardstock and decorated using Zentangle and ZIA
The earlier boxes.

I've discovered that you need more boxes for the later levels, as those cards accumulate while waiting to be moved up or down. Cards in level 1 get reviewed every day (if you're being consistent about the system, which I admit I am not) and rapidly move to box 2, and fairly quickly to box 3. Cards start really piling up at level 4, which is only reviewed once a week or so.

Tuck boxes for flashcards made from cardstock and decorated using Zentangle and ZIA
Later boxes.
Although I've been using patterns from Zentangle (R), these designs are really Zentangle Inspired Art (ZIA) mixed with ... whatever. I do use pencil guidelines for a number of these, especially the scrolls. I also use a lightbox so I can draw guidelines where the edges the template are on the other side of the paper. That way, I can decorate the box before I cut it out (especially helpful with watercolor.)

Decorated template of tuckbox for flashcards.
I already erased the pencil outline that shows me where the edges are.
Decorated template of tuckbox for flashcards.
A different box, cut out.
 I've been trying different media for coloring--Prismacolor pencils, watercolor pencils, and watercolor. One of the boxes is coated with ModPodge and glitter, which gives it an interesting feel.

Box for flashcards decorated with ModPodge and glitter
ModPodge and glitter.
For three of the boxes, I wrote across the cardstock in calligraphy, then cut out the box. Can you identify the quotations?
Tuckboxes for flashcards decorated with calligraphy.
Boxes with calligraphy.
The template for these boxes was generated using Craig Forbes' tuckbox template generator. (I am having difficulty getting to the webpage now--hope that changes.) You can choose the dimensions of your box to suit the size of your flashcards. Be careful to select "actual size" when printing them, or your boxes may be unexpectedly too small.

Box (tuckbox) for flashcards decorated with tangle patterns

Happy vocabulary practice!

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