Friday, December 30, 2016

Predictions and the New Year

We don't go to New Year's Eve parties, resplendent in sparkling attire, and dance the year in. We don't brave the chill and the crowds (probably more crowds than chill, given where we are) to enjoy First Night or watch an illuminated acorn drop. Our New Year's Eve is more along the lines of chocolate chip cookies and a game of Scrabble.

We do, however, like to make New Year's predictions. At least I do, and the rest go along with me.
After making new predictions, we can read last year's and see how completely we missed the mark.

The first step is to come up with some questions, then print out a copy for each person. Some questions may be about family and friends--"Will (name of person not in immediate family) get a new baby/dog/car this year?" Others are about the larger world and its events--lots of options for questions there, especially this New Year's. And usually we have questions like "What will be the big medical discovery/invention of the year?" "What food or ingredient will become the new thing and show up everywhere?" People who like to follow the doings of particular celebrities could add questions about their coming year as well.

After everyone writes down their answers, the papers should probably be put away, unread, till next New Year's Eve. We are too curious about each other's predictions to wait, though, so we compare answers right away. Then the papers get folded and forgotten till next year.

Just make sure you put the papers somewhere you'll look come December 31st. Our Scrabble box is getting a bit full.

Happy New Year.

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